Saturday, May 14, 2016

CBS News and Dr. Maverakis

Click here to watch the CBS news report- my 2 seconds of fame

CBS, Sacramento Bee, and other news outlets exaggerate the strength of the protests against Katehi by showing old footage and by trying to encourage students to continue protesting.  The truth is that only a tiny fraction of the more than 33,000 UC Davis students are protesting the chancellor.  None showed up at the UC Regents meeting despite being encouraged by the news media to do so.

The majority of UC Davis faculty support Chancellor Katehi and are upset at Janet Napolitano for her political attack against the chancellor.  A biased investigation will prove nothing.  Recently the NAACP has also voiced their concern about how the allegations against Chancellor Katehi are being handled.

CBS shows only a few seconds of the faculty speeches to the UC Regents but conducts long interviews with a few students protestors who did not even show up the UC Regents's meeting.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Podcast: Dr. Maverakis talks about his research.

Podcast: ( In this podcast I talk about my research on tree-like sugar molecules that play important roles in biological processes and are biomarkers of human disease.  Sounds boring? It is how I spend my days so please have a listen-> 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Florida Study Section

Dr. Maverakis returns from a CSR study section in Florida.  No alligator sitings but he did run into some interesting wildlife.  

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Dr. Maverakis Public Lecture

Dr. Maverakis lecturing to the public on strategies to maintain good skin health (approximately 520 people in attendance).  Click the photo to see more photos.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

UCSF Grandrounds

Dr. Maverakis gives Grand Rounds at UCSF.  

His basic science presentation covered the role of glycans in the immune system. A second clinical talk was on intralesional therapy for in transit melanoma metastases.  After his presentations, Dr. Maverakis had the opportunity to meet with talented young researchers and faculty.  The short drive down to UCSF allowed him to meet new dermatologists and see old friends.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Taiwan Trip

Dr. Maverakis giving a keynote address at Taipei Medical University.  CLICK THE PHOTO TO SEE MORE PHOTOS!

The trip allowed him to reconnect with old friends and meet new collaborators.